I dunno if I'm still crashed from the trip (I'd think I'd have bounced back by now) but I'm still sleeping a lot, and on days that I go to the pool I spend the rest of the day zoned out. And Wanda says that it's taking me longer to bounce back. I have an appt with Dr Becher in a couple of weeks- I'll have to see if she has any illuminating thoughts...
Tuesday Larry and I walked down to the Cup and Saucer only to find that they've cut back their hours and close at 3. So we walked the rest of the way down to Kennedy School McMenamin's and got a bite to eat there. We got there about 5:30, which was perfect, because at 6 it filled up. That place is way too popular. We came back here and worked upstairs for awhile. Larry is finally down to hemming his new undertunic. I'm fringing the ends of a new Frankish mantle- a black one. I should see if I can get some black silk for a veil too.
Not much else happening- Wanda comes home Friday afternoon. I plan to day-trip to Dragons Mist Defender Tourney on Saturday- they're holding a wake for Ciarain in the evening. Sunday we have tentative plans for brunch. Be nice to see the gang again.
Oh- and a judge in a US District court just ruled that Congress can indeed force White House aides to testify under subpoena, that there is no case law that supports their claims of immunity. Heh. I wanna see the marshals drag Karl Rove in. He won't go quietly, I'm sure...
Well, off to make some muffins- the last of the frozen cranberries! * sob! *