Sunday, March 25, 2007

I'm back among the living...

Well, I got through the class yesterday- 1000 years of history in four hours. There may be a reason why I slept nearly all day today! Class went well, I think. I went through 2 litres of water while teaching though. And when I pulled off my robes, they were wet. It's Hard Work (TM).

Annie found an apartment! YAYYYYY!!! She found a place with a roommate in Brooklyn (which is where she'd wanted to be), and her new roommate is a pianist. there's a grand piano in the living room! He has a grey mackerel tabby about the sage and size of Iso, so she will have someone to play with. This is all very good. :-) And work and frelance stuff is going swimmingly for her. :-) (Mommy is very happy for her!)

James will be up in a day or two, for the rest of break. We have plans and projects and such, and maybe a trip to Powell's. I found a pattern today for an Easter outfit, so I may try to get some sewing done too.

After I get some more sleep, of course...

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