Monday, December 11, 2023

Dating at 59 really sucks

Well, it happened again. I got stood up. There I was, on time, looking really sharp in a classic black dress and a red hat, complete with seamed hose, heels, pearls, and a slick of Dior lipstick. I even wore my favorite perfume. 

I spent two hours getting a string of excuses and '15 minutes, really'. The bartender didn't charge me for the terrible cup of coffee.

What about me says 'Don't bother to show up'?

I'm worth better than this. I'm worth dressing nicely for, even if casually, being clean and on time. I'm worth courtesy. I'm worth adult behaviour.

This sucks. It seems all the good ones are taken.

I keep trying because I hate being alone. I don't want to do stuff alone. I don't want to spend all of my evenings with Mr Laptop.

If you know a single man who is worth my time, send him my way!

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