In other news... I went to Irish feast on Saturday, and had a pretty nice time. Only drawback was that most of the potluck was meat, and I ate a fair amount. And regretted it late in the evening. I managed to sell the alto recorder, and I got some of the beadwork done on the bliaut. And spent some time with Claire, which is always nice.
This Saturday I'll be heading to Salem to judge the History Day competition, and afterwards I'll be dropping by the demo to measure Gustav and Sofia and her kids, and looking at fabric. And trying to come up with ideas for spiffy stuff for them. We'll have to see if I have any ideas after I'm done with all of the projects that I have going so far.
Havoise came over this evening and is helping me work on Gunthar's sleeves, as I'll never get them done on time without. I'm hoping to have them done before Faire in the Grove- as well as getting Arlys' surcoat done before then; get Gunthar's gown done and off to Texas, get the Queen's gown done, get stuff for Sofia's kids started, and make myself some desperately needed tourney garb. And then Wanda's pavilion. Oy.
But first there must be sleep. ZZZZzzzzzzzzz...
** Edit **
I just wrote a $297 check to the optical shop. And that is with a substantial discount. It sucks big rocks, but I have to have glasses that fit. And I'm old- I have to go to bi-focals. They're doing progressive lenses as the prescription is so strong that the line would be really fat if we didn't. They had to dilate my eyes, so now I'm bumping around the house waiting for that to wear off. Bleah.
Is okay. I can't afford to have my teeth pulled either, but I'm doing it.
I dreamed last night that I had me two new ultra spiffy pavilions. Also that I was setting up camp and I was singing songs with my friends lie we do, and there were lots of cute boys around to carry heavy things and they were singing too. One of the bestest dreams I've had in a while..
That _is_ a good dream! What kind of pavilion?
They were blue and white stripey. Big wide stripes, kinda french bell-looking things. Much like yours, actually, but a little bigger.
Like Ivar's? Of course, James has a small French bell now, that he uses when he's at events without me.
As soon as I get Gunthar's gown done I get to jump in and get Wanda's pavilion started. Dunno if I'll have it done for Egils but I can try.
I LOVE my progressive bifocals! It took me about 2 weeks to truly get used to them, but now that I can paint scrolls, do calligraphy, sew a fine seam and read without taking my glasses off I would never go back. Actually I tried a few weeks ago. I kept my spiffy glasses that have the clip on sunglasses to use as "driving" glasses. blech! Couldn't see a thing and the prescription isn't that much difference (for distance) but I've become babied by my bifocals. I never thought I would love them, but seeing is sort of important to me. :)
Glad you will have happy eyes again soon and not look like a monkey pretending to be Harry Potter.
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