I found a picture of James and myself online the other night- from last September Coronet- don't know why I can't put the picture in the middle of the text- it wants to go at the top. Anyone know how to change that?
(I can't think of a cool title today. So sue me.)
The year started auspiciously enough- James and I went to a concert down at the cathedral, which was way cool (the woman from Temple Beth Israel has got a set of PIPES! Wow!), and then we came home, ate our black-eyed peas, cornbread, and greens, and then toasted the new year with Wanda and a bottle of bubbly. And then pretty much laid around the house on New Years' Day.
And the primary season has officially started off with the caucuses in Iowa. Huckabee gives me the colly-wobbles. Obama is sorta ok, though I still prefer Edwards. And it was interesting to see Hillary come in third. I understand her campaign was a bit upset at it. Early pools in New Hampshire have McCain and Obama in the lead. Should be more news come morning.
And I am enduring the trials of Jill's gown. Not happy. We'd discussed cotton velvet or velveteen- she bought silk velvet without checking with me. I HATE this stuff. Wubbly. And I'm having to hand baste the whole @#$%^& thing. And the diagonals (it has the 3M device on it) are especially bad. Gah. I'm about ready to set a match to it. And Saturday is the 12th Night Pity Party, which means housecleaning somewhere this week too. And dismantling the Christmas tree.
I want a House Elf!
I dunno. You still look like the smallest one up there. With the possible exception of Kaelin, almost hiding behind the spear. But she's a mutant.
Hey to move a picture somewhere else with Blogger, use the compose feature rather than Edit HTML. Then paste it where you want it. When you upload a picture there is an option to choose a layout of left, center or right (or none, but I've never played with that option). So you can make the picture on top center or to the left or right of your post.
Up for some company in a few weeks?
Company is good!
I'm already using the compose instead of the HTML. I was meaning to have James help me figure it out while he was up for Christmas, but somehow there wasn't time.
Hey 'pix'- I don't recognize your handle and your profile is closed. Who are you?
Ah! Pix would be Sweetie after he had been using the church's Google/Picassa account to upload photos of the church to an album. Firefox kept logging me back in automatically under the same account.
Ah! Ok, I was just wondering.
And yes, Gwen is a mutant. And the eyebrows remind me of Sam Eagle. :-)
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